If we were to meet for coffee....
...i'd take you to the coffee shop I work at, show you around, and introduce you to my great coworkers
...i'd order a medium roast coffee (black) and probably a yummy muffin!
...i'd ask you how your summer is going and maybe vent about the humid weather a little bit
...i'd tell you that I am obsessed with the Real Housewives shows and I'm not ashamed
...i'd show you the awesome new planner I bought that makes me smile (found here)
...i'd tell you that I just baked chocolate chip banana bread muffins and they are killer
...i'd tell you about this new singer I discovered that sings beautiful songs
...i'd talk to you about God a little bit
...i'd tell you that I am learning that having a relationship with God is based on more than just feeling his presence, and that even when you can't tell he is there you have to have faith that he is
...i'd tell you that I'm going to Oregon soon and I'm SOOOO EXCITED
...i'd ask you if you have any pets, and if so i'd ask you to show me every picture you have of them
...i'd say we should hang out again :)